Water your new garden regularly!
Temperatures and weather conditions vary widely in Kansas, so there is no set rule as to how many times you will need to water your new garden in one week. One of the best ways to judge whether or not a plant needs water is by digging around the plant’s root ball with your fingers to a depth of one inch. If the soil one inch down is dry, then your plant is in need of water. If watering by hand, 25-30 seconds of watering at a low-moderate water pressure is all a plant needs to be thoroughly moistened. If using a soaker hose, 2-4 hours is recommended. Please be sure to call us at 785.840.8406 or email us at Thedrygarden@aol.com if you have any questions!
Don't over-water your new garden
Due to varying soil conditions, it is often easy to over-water your new plants. Plant roots need both water & oxygen to grow successfully. Hard, compacted soils rich in clay (typically found in Lawrence!) retain water around the roots of plants, much more so than sandy or loamy soils. If after watering your new garden, you notice that there is an excessive amount of standing water, or if when watering you notice that very little water is actually seeping into the earth, then you probably have a soil that is rich in clay. It is extremely important that you check each plant individually to determine how much water is needed before you begin watering, and then you will know whether your soil will retain water or whisk it away from the roots quickly.
Prune only if necessary
Light pruning can be done anytime to maintain a plant’s “neat” or “kept” appearance, or to clear an area of obstruction. You can dead-head perennials after they bloom, some will bloom again, or you can leave the spent flowers for winter interest. Prune flowering trees and shrubs after flowering, this allows the plant time to produce buds for the next blooming season. When in doubt, please feel free to call us at 785.331.0671 or email us at Thedrygarden@aol.com
Fertilize lightly!
New trees and most shrubs spend their first three years producing roots, so little top growth can be expected. A root stimulator type fertilizer is recommended for the first year, and if any other fertilization is done, it should be done in moderation. After the first year, a light application of organic or synthetic slow release fertilizer should be applied yearly. Plants adapt to most soil conditions so care should be taken not to over fertilize.